"Possession": Ayumi Kirishima (played by Mano Erina), a student at Tokyo City University who had successfully interviewed, was immersed in joy. On the way back, a woman behaving strangely appeared on the bus. Although Kirishima was surprised, he didn't take it seriously. But when she went back to school, the woman appeared outside the classroom and caused a huge commotion. Everyone who came into contact with her turned into horror zombies. "Hope": The tragic experience in childhood made the girl Fujisawa Emi (played by Mano Erina) unable to get out of the prison. She stayed away from school and tried to commit suicide many times. The relationship is also extremely cold. I don't know when, a girl wearing a red raincoat would appear in front of her suddenly, and the past that Huimei didn't want to look back would resurface, and her life would gradually be dominated by panic...
Release time:
23 Episodes
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