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The West Wing Season 5

The West Wing Season 5

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to President of the United States Glenn Ellen Walken! He is the head of the House of Representatives and a die-hard conservative. When President Butler was busy with the kidnapping of his daughter, Walken acted as the presidency temporarily, and the staff of the White House were caught in a dilemma between the old and new presidents. The resolution of the kidnapping crisis and Butler's return to the presidency are two fascinating story axes in the fifth season of "The West Wing". Allie Janney, who plays the White House spokesperson, also won the Emmy Award for Best Actress for her superb performance in the fifth season. The fifth season can be said to be full of climaxes, including the unexpected change of the vice president, the appointment of the Supreme Court justice, and the fatal trip of several staff members to the Gaza corridor.

Release time:
22 Episodes

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