  • My Record
We Got Game

A Xiao (played by Jiang Tao), Ade (played by Lu Juan) and Zhang Liang (played by Qiu Shijin) used to be regulars on the street basketball court, but due to their own reasons, they temporarily put down their beloved basketball. Until one time, Team B, the leading university basketball team in Hong Kong, came to the community to sweep the court. The neighbors headed by Sangbo (played by Zhang Jicong) were unwilling to occupy the basketball court, so they challenged them. The third son accepted Sangbo's invitation on the spot, and staged a confrontation match with the neighbors. In the end, with the strength of the three of them and the tactics of Sangbo, the basketball team was repelled and the court was successfully kept. The victory process was posted on the Internet and became a topic in the city overnight.

Release time:
15 Episodes

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